Email Marketing

ClubHouse Online Email Marketing represents a revolution in member and prospect communication. Your staff can easily schedule campaigns, establish automated follow ups, use membership information as triggers for delivery, and track opens, click throughs and more. You can even manage your club's Facebook and Twitter pages from this easy to use system. This combination features and integration to your member data sets ClubHouse Online Email Marketing apart from all other email marketing solutions.

What is ClubHouse Online Email Marketing?

ClubHouse Online Email Marketing is completely integrated to your clubsystems group management system. It allows you to target emails based on data you have collected regarding members and/or prospective members. For example, you can easily create an email promoting a wine event, and specifically target members who regularly order red wine while at the club, or automatically send statement notifications to members who are overdue. By targeting emails to members based on demographics and preferences, you will experience a better overall level of communication, and as a result, more satisfied members.


Online Applications


Target specific segments of membership based on criteria such as preferences, buying patterns, demographics, geographic area, or any other member specific field tracked within your clubsystems group system.


Easily schedule emails to send at a later date. You can even have messages send a second time to recipients who didn’t click or open one of your emails.

Comprehensive Resporting

Track each campaign individually in terms of how many messages were delivered and/or opened as well as click through rates on individual links within messages. All of these can be exported as a spreadsheet or converted into a mailing list for further communication. For those that clicked on a particular link within a message, a specific follow up can be sent to further explore their interest.

Event Registration

Send communications based on member or guest behavior either at the club or on your website. For instance, if a member hasn’t purchased anything in 60 days, an email can be automatically sent to entice them to visit the club.

Social Integration

Effectively engage your members using ClubHouse Online Email Marketing with Social Integration — Twitter and Facebook — all from one convenient location. Integrate social media into your interactive marketing strategies to broaden your reach within your member circles. Participate in conversations about your brand and learn customer preferences through reports integrated with your clubsystems group software.

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